What is a Restricted Keyway System and Should My Business Have One?
Every company, household, or office has its own unique locking system, each with its robust list of pros and cons. Some opt for simple keypads with an entry code for workers or clients, and — nowadays — more are looking into COVID-friendly options like the hands-free, contactless system. Another option that is perhaps less commonplace but beneficial to any is the restricted keyway system. Some might be unfamiliar with that branch of security. Still, it’s rather simple — and for many, the easiest and clearest locking option out there.
Essentially, a restricted keyway system is one where all locks and keys are tied to a single master key, and they can only be ordered through authorized dealers. Duplicates of this physical master key cannot be made (without going through a few steps of approval, often written consent), meaning security is tighter and chances of a break-in are lower. Locksmiths cannot create copies of the key because this locking system often comes with a patent. Workers or even owners will not be given duplicates, so the odds of extra masters floating around is cut out of the equation.
This makes a clear list of benefits: as the owner of a home, restaurant, office, store, property, or other complexes, you will have direct control over the influx and outflux of every key tied to your entry points. This can take a great deal of stress off owners who can rest assured that they have the sole, patented master key. However, unlike standard locks, there is the extra step of needing to fill out a form and request a copy of said key if you ever need a family member or higher-up. For this reason, some may prefer to spread their responsibility and stick with a standard (unpatented) lock system, creating duplicates from the get-go and giving them out to the appropriate parties.
Nonetheless, restricted keyway systems are strong options for businesses who don’t want to worry about unwanted intruders having access to buildings and units. Should an employee be fired or a tenant moves out, they only need to return their key — there is no worry that this person has made a duplicate and will come back unannounced. There is also the financial and time-saving upside of never having to replace your locks. Even with newcomers joining an office or apartment complex, they only need to be handed the corresponding key, and they are all set.
Since the security is tighter and the technology more finessed, this system can come with a slightly higher price tag. Still, it is one that evens out, in the long run, considering the lack of a need to replace locks each time a changeover occurs.
The restricted keyway system can be a highly favorable one if the owner plans in advance: ordering the right number of keys at the start slow down the wait to apply for and receive the next batch of masters. (These can not always be made and be ready for pick up or delivery on the same day.) Regardless, this locking system is prevalent for various businesses and industries because of many winning protective measures!
The Security Professionals can help deduce if a restricted keyways system is right for your business. Working with your specific needs and budget, we can help map out a plan suited to your company.